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mixing bowl例...
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In a medium mixing bowl, cream together 1/2 cup butter or margarine and 1 cup sugar.


Mix strong flour, plain flour and sugar in a large mixing bowl.

将高筋面粉、 低筋面粉和糖混合放入一个大碗中。

One white plastic mixing bowl.


Set aside . Melt butter over low heat . Pour into small mixing bowl and set nearby.


Mix all the above ingredients in a mixing bowl aside in the fridge until serve.


Beat egg whites, salt and vinegar in the mixing bowl of a table mixer until foamy.

蛋白, 食盐和白醋放入台式搅拌盆,搅打至起粗泡后,加入所有砂糖,打至湿性发泡.

Whisk together 2 tablespoons of flour, egg and water in a mixing bowl.

把2大勺面粉, 鸡蛋和水混合打成蛋糊.

Place all dough ingredients, except butter a mixing bowl fixed with dough a dough ball forms.


After sifting the flour into a mixing bowl, cut the lard in.

把面粉筛入搅拌的碗中后, 再把猪油加进去.

In a separate mixing bowl, whip the cream, icing sugar and vanilla sugar to soft peak.

将奶油, 糖粉和香草糖放到搅拌盆里打至中性发泡.

Combine and sift the powdered sugar and cacao powder into a mixing bowl. Drop the extract.

糖粉和可可粉混合后筛入搅拌盆内, 滴入杏仁香精.

Prepare the pudding . Mix the cold milk and pudding powder in a mixing bowl.

把牛奶倒入搅拌盆里, 加入布丁粉.

Place the flour in a mixing bowl. Dissolve yeast in milk with sugar.

面粉放到搅拌盆里备用. 鲜酵母用温牛奶泡开,加入砂糖拌化.

In a large mixing bowl , cream butter and 1 cup sugar until light and fluffy.

在一个大的容器中, 先将室温软化后的黄油打发,然后加入糖粉,搅拌均匀至很轻的羽毛状.

Return the dough to the greased mixing bowl . Cover and leave overnight in fridge.


In a clean mixing bowl, whisk egg whites with and sugar until medium peaks formed.


In a mixing bowl put flour, sugar, pinch of salt, soft butter and lukewarm milk.

将面粉, 砂糖, 盐, 牛油和温牛奶放到搅拌盆里.

Mix well all the ingredients except pineapple rings in a mixing bowl.


So he went to his kitchen and got a big mixing bowl.


In a large glass or metal mixing bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.

另外拿一个大玻璃或金属容器, 加热蛋清至表面变硬.

Sift flour, icing sugar and custard powder together into a mixing bowl.

把面粉, 糖粉,和卡士达粉混合放到一个搅拌盆.

Add the salad a mixing bowl. Break the Roquefort bowl.

把色拉菜放入大碗中, 把羊乳干酪瓣碎,放入碗里.

Put the butter and caster sugar in a large mixing bowl.


Practice: 1 . To sift flour and soda into a mixing bowl.

做法: 1. 把面粉和苏打粉筛进一个碗中混合.

Place the heavy cream and sugar in a mixing bowl , whipping until thick.


In a mixing bowl , cream egg yolks and 250 g sugar.


Pour the melted butter into a large mixing bowl.


Grate the cheese into a mixing bowl.


"mixing bowl"的基本信息





